

  • Click on registration button on home page and follow instructions completing shipping and billing address.
  • Once you have completed your registration, click ONLINE STORE on top right of page.
  • Click on product you wish to purchase, ie full module or single subjects. Select item/s required.
  • Follow instructions in shopping cart to check out.
  • Once you have checked out, you will receive an invoice for payment and an order number.
  • Email or fax through proof of payment and registration form to info@xela.co.za
  • On receipt of registration form & reflection of payment in bank account, you will receive notification that you may access the module/tutorials that you purchased.
  • With your user name and password you will now have access to the items that you have paid for.
  • You work at your own pace but have a maximum of 6 months access to module video tutorials and notes from date of registration, ie you have 6 months  to complete each module. You are welcome to redo modules so long as it is in the 6 months.
  • You may scan or courier your artwork & theory projects in required formats and send to either info@xela.co.zaor to the street address below.
  • All projects that are a made garment or accessory are to be delivered to 49 Murray St, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, South Africa via courier.
  • All projects & garments will be returned to the student via courier at the students costs. Courier costs are to be paid by the student prior to projects being returned. Students are to inform Xela College of Creative Design in writing the address to which they wish to have their project returned.
  • Xela College of Creative Design accepts no responsibility for additional costs that may occur should projects be travelling over the borders of South Africa.
  • All feeback & reports will be emailed to the student.
  • Once the lecturer has received your work and he/she is happy that you have achieved the required outcomes, he/she will send you notification that you may register for the module.